As we approach the prime planning months for golf outings, all charities and fundraising groups should consider hosting a golf outing because it provides a (1) unique and effective way to raise funds, (2) engage donors, and (3) increase awareness for its cause. Here are 5 good reasons why a charity or any group that needs to raise money should organize a golf outing:
1. Fundraising Potential
2. Relationship Building with Donors
3. Increased Community Awareness
4. Opportunity for Additional Revenue Streams
5. Lasting Impact and Future Growth
At Chestnut Hill we have nearly 40 years’ experience hosting literally 1000s of golf outings; more than just any golf course in Buffalo. The average size of a new golf outing is 40-60 players. After several years, most outings grow in size and become more and more successful. Don't be afraid to start this year!
Would you like help planning a golf outing for your charity? We can assist with logistics, sponsorship ideas, and marketing strategies! We can help as much or as little as you like. Contact Mike at 585-547-3613 x4
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